Upcoming Productions

PUSS in BOOTS The Polruan 2025 Pantomime

The classic fairy tale, ‘Puss in Boots,’ will be coming to Polruan. Not the Puss of the ‘Shrek’ films but a wily feline out to help his poor master up to the top of the social ladder and all he asks in return is a pair of boots, to be provided by Dame Hilda Boot, cobbler to kings. En route, he overcomes a shape-shifting ogre (again, nothing like Shrek) and his creepy assistant, Igor. With a dozen songs and a cast of Polruan favourites, this will be an event not to be missed.

We would like to stage a new production in 2025

Are you interested in being involved? Please contact us. If you are reluctant to take to the stage we also need all skills such as producing, back stage, costumes, stage sets and painting.
There is a lovely group of people involved who are looking forward to welcoming you.

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